How Long Does It Take To Get A Divorce In Colorado?

One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to divorce is how much time it will take. Most of the time, the people who are wondering that question are facing this process without a clear idea of what to expect; they may not have been through divorce before, and may not have had close friends or family members who have either.

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Do You Need A Lawyer To Get Divorced In Colorado?

Divorce is one of the most difficult transitions that any family can navigate. Many people who are facing the prospect of divorce find themselves overwhelmed, scared, stressed out, and completely unsure of what to do next. You’re not alone if you are feeling those things!

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The Changing of Your Social Life & Community With Divorce

Penn A. Dodson

Divorce almost always means losing some, or most, of your social connections. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Your true friends will remain, and you have the opportunity to connect to your community … your tribe … in a way that you may have neglected during your marriage.

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After divorce

Trading Something That’s “Fine” For Something Better

Penn A. Dodson

Sometimes your life is “fine.” That usually is an indication that it they could be better. You just may not be sure how … and not willing or able to explore that question. Better doesn’t necessarily mean changing your relationship(s). It does mean understanding what better means to you and inviting your relationships to grow with you. Then that choice is theirs.

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Decision making

3 Phases To Move You Forward: Phase 2 - Transitions

Penn A. Dodson

In this three-part blog series, we discuss how to successfully navigate major life changes such as divorce. Any major life change can be broken down into three primary phases: Decision, Transition, Equilibrium. This article will focus on the Transition phase.

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After divorce

What’s A “Family”?

Penn A. Dodson

Of course in recent years the popular conception of what a nuclear “family” is has shifted from husband plus wife plus 2 kids (one boy, one girl), a dog, and two cats, to something much more inclusive: widowed single parent plus children, out of wedlock child plus parent plus grandparent, same sex couples (with or without kids), kids with divorced parents plus new spouses, and many, many others.

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Trading Something That’s “Fine” For Something Better

Penn A. Dodson

Some people are in horrible circumstances, and while the logistics or inertia or fear of the unknown or fear of consequences may get in the way of making a change, the decision to make some kind of change generally isn't the hard part...

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Conflict resolution